Church bulletin_new address-01

July 28, 2024

When Little Is Much

The woman with the issue of blood believed that all she needed was to touch the hem of His garment. The Syro-Phoenician woman longed for a crumb from the Master’s table. The centurion, believed that one word from the Lord would be sufficient to heal his servant. The Lord said faith as a grain of mustard seed would move mountains of sin into the sea of forgetfulness. In this world little is little and much as much. With God, little is infinitely more than all that is in the world. Truly, the weakness of God is stronger than man. Despise not the day of small things.                                                                               ~GE


Now it seems to be one of the very principles of our nature to believe that God is just. We feel it, and that gives us our terror at first. But is it not marvelous that this very same first principle, the belief that God is just, becomes afterward the pillar of our confidence and peace! If God be just, I, a sinner, alone and without a substitute, must be punished; Christ stands in my stead and is punished for me; and now, if God be just, I, a sinner, standing on Christ, can never be punished. God must change His nature before one soul for whom Christ was the substitute, can ever, by any possibility, suffer the lash of the law.

       ~C.H. Spurgeon


Many of us don't know God well enough to trust Him. Are you persuaded that God has complete control in reference to the things which excite our anxiety? Are you persuaded that He will use this control in the best way, as far as we are concerned? If I am to cast my cares on Him, I must know Him to be my Father; I must know Him to be my friend; I must know Him to be my protector, my shepherd, my guide, my righteousness and my salvation. I must believe His testimony that he loves me for Christ's sake. He careth for you. It's a small thing for God to care for us. He provides for the cattle on a thousand hills, all the wild beasts, and army of birds, fish, and insects. Your needs and mine are scarcely a crumb from God's table. If He says, "I will care for you," then don't give it another thought except to sing, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."                     ~Scott Richardson


That Day!

Someday, and it is a day not that far off, you and I will be done with this life and this world. I am quite certain that, on that day, none of us shall care one whit about what anyone in this world thought of us. But we will be in the presence of One whose opinion of us will mean everything to us. His opinion of us will determine our eternity. Some will see Him and cry to the rocks and the mountains to fall on them and hide them from His face. But others shall stand in His presence with no fear at all, for they will already have a suitable hiding place: “On Christ almighty vengeance fell, That must have sunk a world to hell. He bore it for His chosen race, And thus became their hiding place.” May wisdom compel us to make the great concern of that day to be the great concern of our hearts in THIS day!                 ~Joe Terrell



“For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” Heb. 10:14

The gospel is in this one verse. Who did the perfecting? The Lord Jesus Christ alone! How did He perfect? By one offering, His blood alone! When did he perfect? Notice the word “hath” makes it past tense thereby clearly declaring that the perfecting was done in eternity and in time, hence the word forever! Who did He perfect? The chosen of God the Father who were, are, and always will be sanctified in Christ Jesus!                         ~Caleb Hickman


If two people hold two different views as to how God saves a sinner, but those views do not exclude the salvation of the differing view, there will be no conflict. I’m o.k. You’re o.k. But if the way I hold excludes other way, this is where the trouble begins. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me” (John 14: 6) ... He is not a way but the way - the way that excludes all other ways.                ~Todd Nibert


Upcoming Bible Conferences

July 26-28 Redeemer Grace Church- Sellersburg, IN

Aug. 30- Sept. 1 Todd’s Road Grace Church- Lexington, KY



Though troubles assail, and dangers affright

Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite

‘Tis one thing secures us whatever betide

His promise assures us, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!


The bird without barn or storehouse are fed

From them let us learn to trust for our bread

His saints what is needed shall ne’er be denied

So long as ‘tis written, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!


His call we obey like Abram of old

We know not the way, but faith makes us bold

For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide

And know in all dangers, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!


No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim

Our trust is all cast on His precious Name

In this our strong refuge for safety we hide

The Lord is our refuge, THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!


When life is most o’er, and death is in view

The Word of His grace will see us safe through

Not fearing nor doubting, with Christ on our side

We hope to die shouting; THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!

(Tune: “O Worship the King” p. 1)


This Week 10:00 Jennifer D   10:45 Star

Next Week 10:00 Jennifer M 10:45 Christine

Clean-Up Schedule

Week of July 28th      Tim Murray Family

                                    Christian & Emilee

Week of Aug 4th        Jorge & Janelle

                                    Dean & Star

                                    Ed & Susan


July 31 Susan Emrick