Saved by Water

When Noah stepped out of the ark, the only living thing that drew breath and survived the deluge was in the ark. Everything on the face of the Earth had been destroyed. What a glorious picture of our need to be found in Christ. The Ark (pitched within and without) that saves us from the wrath of God is Christ. There is however, another picture in the flood. The fish would not have been damaged by the floodwaters. Those creatures able to extract oxygen out of water would have survived.  Water, the very thing that killed everything else, would have been their source of life. So it is for the child of God. The deluge of God’s wrath that fell on our Sin-bearer at Calvary’s cross, is the very means through which we draw the breath of life. Fishers of men is what we are. All that God puts in the net of the gospel from the ocean of this world, will be saved by water.                                                                          GE

The wages of sin is death…Rom 6:23a

…and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Jam. 1:15b

Satan will always try to hide the true price of sin. When tempted, let us believe God. Sin only has one end, Death.  The blood bought child of God will never experience eternal death for their sin. Christ bore that for them.  However, sin always brings with it a death sentence of one sort or another.  It brings the death of joy, comfort, peace and assurance. It often cost the death of relationships, even marriages.  It can bring the death of one’s testimony. Some sins even cause the death of the physical body. One way or the other sin only has one end. Death.  Satan is a slick salesman. Don’t be fooled. Buyer’s remorse is sure to follow.                                                                                     ~GE

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” Jn. 3:30

The value, beauty, and power of Christ is infinite. He cannot increase in His essential nature. Neither can He be added to or taken from, seeing He is immutable. However, growth in grace is an increase of Christ in our estimation of Him.  If by Divine revelation we see more of His glory, the vain glory in ourselves must decrease. Truly, the way up is down.                                     ~GE

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.” Ps. 19:1

When we consider the vastness of the universe, let us be careful not to limit the size of our God. Yes, our God is omnipresent. But, that is not because He is everywhere in the universe. It is because the universe is in Him.                                                  ~GE

Holy, holy, holyis the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Is 6:3

Holiness is infinitely more than moral purity or sinless perfection. A simple definition of holy is, “Other”. Holiness is incomparable. It is transcendent. There is no point of reference in our experience for holy. It is completely “Other” than anything we are or know about.  If the Lord is pleased to show us a glimpse of his holiness, we will cry with Isaiah, “woe is me”. We will believe ourselves to be in need of an Intercessor, an Advocate with God. There is only one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel.                                                               ~GE

False Accusations

When the religious accuse us of being lawless, what they are really saying is; “If I believed what you believe, I would be lawless.” They would have nothing to restrain their sin. Being under the law, they know nothing of the constraining love of Christ. 2 Cor. 5:14. Being in the flesh, they know nothing of the power of the Spirit of God. Rom. 8:12-14. Being under the judgment of the law, they know nothing of the law of liberty. James 2:10-12. Their accusations are not based on what they see in the believer’s life, but rather on what they fear in their own lives.  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 1 Pet. 3:15-16                                   ~GE

Blaming God

Just because our God brings good out of evil, does not mean that evil is good.  The responsibility for sin always lies squarely on the shoulders of the sinner.  Nowhere in scripture does God relieve us of our guilt by saying; “It’s OK, I ordained it.”  Neither does He say; “you are just a sinner, you can’t help yourself.“ Nor does He allow us to justify the means by the end.  Yes, our omnipotent, sovereign God brings good out of evil for his people. That is seen most clearly at Calvary. Yet that never makes evil good.  Nor does it justify disobedience. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren. James 1:13-16.

If we “confess” (say the same thing) our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I Jn 1:9. Take sides with God against yourself, and rest in Christ for all your justification and righteousness. ~GE

Responses to Election

When men hear that God has an elect people, chosen according to his own sovereign will and purpose before the world began, they will have one of three responses.

  1. Resentment: like the Jews in the synagogue at Nazareth in Luke 4, they will be filled with wrath and thrust him out of their city. They will accuse God of being unfair and obligate him to give everyone a “chance”.
  2. Resignation: some will take a fatalistic position. Like Paul’s argument in Romans 9, they will say; “why doth He yet find fault? For who hath resisted His will? They will excuse their unbelief with a, ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. Such a response is nothing less than accusing God for one’s unbelief.
  3. Rejoice, Rest and Remain:  By God’s grace, a remnant will rejoice to know that salvation is all of the Lord. They will rest in Christ and His finished work of redemption for them. Like that Gentile woman the Lord called a dog, they will remain at the Master’s table until a crumb falls their way. May God cause us to be like her.                                                                                     ~GE

News not Documentary

“News” by definition, must be new. It must be current, fresh, recent, or it is not news. On the other hand, a documentary simply recounts facts from an old event. The gospel is by definition, “good news”. It is good in that it reveals the Lord Jesus Christ to sinners as the goodness of God in salvation. It is new when the Holy Spirit is pleased to take the old, old story and make it fresh to our hearts. May the Lord deliver us from ever thinking, listening, or presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ as a documentary.                                                                        ~GE

“I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me”. Phil. 4:13

How many times we have heard this verse quoted by someone as a promise to enable them to do something extraordinary. If you read this verse in the context of the previous verses, you will see that Paul is talking about being content in whatever state he is in, abased or abounding. This is not a promise to be successful in some earthly endeavor. It is a work of grace in the heart, enabling the child of God to be content with Christ as all their hope and salvation. To remain faithful in looking to Christ as my all in all, (while abased or abounding in this world) is a miracle of grace that can only be experienced by Him who strengtheneth me.                                                                                             ~GE


An advertisement for an investment opportunity concluded with this disclaimer: “past performance is no guarantee of future returns.” I can only think of one “past performance” that absolutely guarantees a future return.  The work that the Lord Jesus Christ performed on Calvary’s cross guarantees that everyone for whom he died will be with him in Glory...NO exceptions. It guarantees His glorious return as the Savior of His church and reigning Sovereign of all His creation. It guarantees the ultimate, infinite, and eternal glory of His Father. We have a written and signed copy of this guarantee in the Word of God.          ”                                                                                                   ~GE

When Little Is Much

The woman with the issue of blood believed that all she needed was to touch the hem of His garment. The Syro-Phoenician woman longed for a crumb from the Master’s table. The centurion, believed that one word from the Lord would be sufficient to heal his servant. The Lord said faith as a grain of mustard seed would move mountains of sin into the sea of forgetfulness. In this world little is little and much as much. With God, little is infinitely more than all that is in the world. Truly, the weakness of God is stronger than man. Despise not the day of small things.                                                                               ~GE

Have you ever been asked after looking for something specific, if you saw something else in your search? To which you respond, “I don’t know, I wasn’t looking for that”, only to find out later you had looked right at it. So it is when we go to the Word of God. We will find what we are looking for. If we are looking for a precept to practice, a law to keep, or a theological concept to understand, that is what we will find. If we go to the scriptures looking for Christ, He is Whom we will find.                   ~GE

There is one glaring thing that believers and unbelievers have in common. They both want THEIR righteousness to be exalted. For the unbeliever, it is something they have produced by their Will, their Works, or their Wisdom. For the child of God, it is Christ, who alone is ALL their wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.                                                                        ~GE

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matt. 12:37

At the request of her son, a mother listened to many Gospel messages by several faithful gospel preachers. Finally, in objection, she told her son; “all those guys do is talk about Christ”. She had no idea what a commendation that was to the preachers, and sadly, what a condemnation it was to her. I told her son, at least she spoke the truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit will cause those words to come back to her in conviction, before they are used against her in judgement.                                             ~GE

Moses, David, and Solomon all bowed before God in amazement with these words; “Who Am I?” All of these men were actually “somebody” among men. But like all men in the presence of Sovereignty, they saw themselves as nobodies. Before God, they believed themselves to be entitled to nothing. If the Lord is pleased to cause such a confession from our hearts, we will know that from the very next breath we draw into our lungs, to the breath of life in our spirits, it is all of grace. This confession of unworthiness settles everything else by settling the heart in gratitude. We find ourselves before a holy, omnipotent, and loving Heavenly Father amazed with… “who am I”.     ~GE

“…they are at their wits end. Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble and He bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm…” Ps. 107:27b-29a.

We only really cry unto The Lord when we are at our “wits end”. We are only at our “wits end” when we have no other option available to us. There is no other strategy, no other plan, no one else to help, no other way out. We are brought by the miracle of grace to our “wits end” when the glorious person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ is our only hope. God’s grace begins at our “wits end”.                                                    ~GE

Justified Before God

Someone asked me recently if a sinner is justified before or after faith. It is a great question. The answer really has to do with the nature of saving faith. It is true that no one will be justified without faith. Rom 3:28. However, true God-given, saving faith, believes that Christ is ALL in one’s justification before God.  Faith adds nothing to justification. It simply takes hold of Christ, the Justifier.                                                                            ~GE

Godly Sorrow

When the Holy Spirit convicts of sin He does not leave us doing penance by wallowing in our guilt and shame. That is worldly sorrow that worketh death. (2 Cor. 7:10). That kind of sorrow is both hypocritical and self-righteous. It is hypocritical in that it pretends to be contrite, denying the fact that our sin is much worse than we think.  It is self-righteous in that it confesses a potential worthiness for salvation. No, when the Holy Spirit convicts of sin He always delivers the sinner from bondage by leading them to Christ. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Cor. 3:17. If the Son therefore shall make you free, you are free indeed. Jn. 8:36. Godly sorrow agrees with God about Sin. 1) It is all my fault. 2) Christ put it all away.                    ~GE

One Reason

Men’s excuses for not coming to Christ are just that, “excuses”. One will say, show me a sign and I’ll believe. Another will claim to be agnostic or even atheist. Still others will claim to be protecting the salvation of a deceased loved one. Many will object to the doctrine of election or particular redemption. None of these, or any other reasons, are really the truth. There is one reason and one reason only men will not come to Christ. “We will not have this man reign over us”. Plain and simple, men have set themselves up on the throne of God. Satan’s lie has not changed since the first, “ye shall be as gods” Gen. 3:5. This is THE LIE of ‘free will’.  Oh, if men could only see that having Christ reign over them in love is infinitely better than having Him reign over them in wrath.                                                           GE

“Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power”

Ps. 110:3.

Sinners don’t need a god they can control. They need a God that can control them. When the Lord makes His people willing, they don’t just submit to Him. They rejoice to have Him reign over them. They rest in His Sovereign control. They need and desire Him to rule them in love. They love to bow and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Lord, draw us and we will run after thee. Song 1:4.                                                                                           ~GE

“Look unto me and be ye saved…” Is 45:22a

Those that teach ‘Easy Believism’ (just pray this prayer) would have men look to their profession as the hope of their salvation. Let us be clear, there is nothing easy about believing the gospel. To the contrary, it is impossible for man. Many try to answer this false gospel with another false gospel they call, ‘Lordship Salvation’. They would have men look to their performance as the hope of their salvation. God given, saving faith looks to a Person. It looks to and rests in the glorious person and accomplished work of our Lord Jesus Christ for all its hope. ~GE

Christ Came to Save Sinners

The real problem men have in believing the gospel is that they do not see themselves as sinners. The only reason men do not believe themselves to be sinners is because they have not met Christ. Men by nature compare themselves to themselves, and being deceived believe themselves to be getting better. Or, they compare themselves to others and proudly conclude themselves to be better. If the One who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and higher than the heavens, (Heb. 7:26) ever shines his lovely face on them, they will agree with Job, “Behold I am vile” (Job 40:4). This is why we must always preach Christ and him crucified. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Oh, for the grace to join our voice with John the Baptist in declaring; “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” Jn. 1:29.                                                                                                      ~GE

The Lord said OF Nathanael “Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile.” Jn. 1:47

Nathanael was from Galilee. The Galileans were looked down on by the more “sophisticated” Jews of Jerusalem. Nathanael had just played the same game when he held himself up as superior to the despised people of Nazareth. The last thing he said (can any good thing come out of Nazareth?) was testimony of his guile. So how can anyone full of guile like Nathanael stand in the presence of guileless holiness and be declared without guile? They must be an ‘Israelite Indeed’. They are not all Israel, which are of Israel. Rom. 9:6. If you be In Christ, then are you Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. Gal. 3:29. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven. Whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputed not iniquity, and in whose spirit, there is NO Guile. Though the old man Jacob is still a supplanter and full of guile, the new man created in Christ Jesus is seen by God as a man without guile. May we hear the Savior say OF us; “behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is NO GUILE.”                                                                            ~GE

Things To Be Afraid Of

1.We should be afraid OF ourselves. Our hearts are deceitful. Our flesh is weak. Is there not anything of which we are capable?

2.We should be afraid of being left TO ourselves. Lord keep me, restrain me, and forsake me not. Without the Lord as our Shepherd, we are prey to every wild beast.

3.We should be afraid of standing before God BY ourselves. To not have the Lord Jesus Christ as our Substitute, Sin-bearer and Advocate before God, would leave us in our sins and under the wrath of God.                                                                                         ~GE

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” I Cor. 13:9.

Our knowledge, though incomplete, does not make what we do know uncertain. I do not have to understand algebra to know that 2+2=4.                                                                             ~GE

“Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.” Ps. 76:10.

This one verse tells us all we need to know as to why an all powerful God would allow men to commit evil atrocities on one another. Clearly, he could, and does much more often than we could possibly know, restrain them. Whenever He restrains them not, it is to glorify Himself. To which His servants say; to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Rev. 1:6. Is not the cross of Christ the clearest example of this truth? The greatest display of the wrath of man bringing about God’s greatest glory.                                                                                        ~GE

A Faith Untried is Unproven

The heat from a fiery trial will not leave the heart unchanged. The lasting effects of that fire will be determined by the nature of the heart. Like the effects of the noonday sun, hearts of wax will be melted, while hearts of clay will be hardened. The questions and confusions that naturally come to the heart and mind in a time of great trouble will cause some to accuse God of wrongdoing. They will become disillusioned, and some will use it as an excuse to justify their unbelief. Other hearts will be greatly softened. They will be strengthened in their faith. They will see more clearly their need for a sovereign, omnipotent, and loving Savior to keep them. They will draw nearer to the throne of grace to find help in their time of need. This is a work of sovereign grace. David, a man after God’s own heart, after having been confronted by God for taking another man’s wife and having that innocent man killed, wrote; “Create in me a clean heart, oh God; and renew a right spirit within me”.  Ps 51:10.                                                                                        ~GE

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” Jn. 1:12-13.

Yes, a sinner must “receive” (which is to believe on) Christ for all the hope of their salvation. For without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe…”. Heb. 11:6. How can one who is spiritually dead and at enmity with God believe on Christ? The answer is above in verse 13. Which WERE (past tense) born, not of blood (Descent), nor of the will of flesh (Dedication), nor of the will of man (Decision), but of God. In God’s order The New Birth necessarily precedes faith.                                                                                         ~GE

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men”.

I Tim. 2:1

Oh, chosen and redeemed child of God. What is the clearest evidence you have that no sinner is beyond your Lord’s ability to save? Is it not that He saved you? If He is able to save the chief of all sinners, can He not also save one that is to you lesser? Let us pray without ceasing in bringing the names of our lost friends and family to the throne of grace. He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him. Heb. 7:25                  ~GE

“Is not this the carpenter”? Mk. 6:3

When our Lord revealed Himself as the Christ to His neighbors in Nazareth, this is all they could see. “He’s the carpenter!”. Yes, in God’s perfect order He was a carpenter. Sadly, their eyes and hearts of flesh could not see the real carpentry work He did to save their souls.  In the garden, He fashioned from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the fall and rising again of many in Israel. Lk 2:34. In His incarnation, He laid the ax to the tree of Israel, that a tender Branch shall grow from its root. Is. 11:1. He planted and fashioned His trees of righteousness with a Seed to yield fruit after its own kind. Gen. 1:12 He fashioned Noah’s Ark from gopherwood, and the Ark of the Covenant from shittim wood. In saving Gentiles, He grafted a wild branch into the fatness of the olive tree. Rom. 11:17 Most gloriously, He took the cursed tree of the cross, and by His death made it the Tree of Life. Oh, what a Carpenter He is; “His work is perfect.” Deut. 32:4                                                                                            ~GE

“Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” Jer. 6:14

The wisdom of the world speaks false peace to men by telling them that their sin is not their fault. They are a victim of their circumstances or are simply afflicted with a disease.  Religion speaks false peace to men by telling them that their sin is their fault, but that they have the power to fix it. By decision and dedication, they can amend their ways. The gospel speaks the truth to sinners by telling them that their sin is all their fault, and they can’t fix it. It shuts sinners up to Christ as the only One who can put away their sin and give them peace with God by the sacrifice of Himself.                                                              ~GE

Every problem we have in this world that cannot be solved with money will eventually be solved by time. What a blessing it is when the Lord is pleased to show us that we have a problem beyond this world. A problem that no amount of money, nor an eternity of time can fix. Our real problem is our sin, and consequently the need we have to be reconciled to a Holy God.  That is a problem that only God can fix. That is THE problem that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to solve for His church. Christ came into the world to save sinners… and Save every one of them is exactly what He did.                                  ~GE

Circumcision of the Heart

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Phil. 3:3

Many seriously err in believing that New Testament water baptism is the corresponding equivalent to Old Testament circumcision. In fact, the New Testament counterpart to Old Testament circumcision is the circumcision of the heart. Just as every male of Old Testament Israel was required to be circumcised in the flesh, so every member of spiritual Israel must experience circumcision of the heart. So, what exactly is this circumcision of the heart? If it means that all the desires of the flash are cut away from my heart in the new birth, who can find hope that they have been born again? No, the circumcision of the heart is a work of grace done by the Holy Spirit, causing every born-again child of God to have all their confidence in fleshly means cut away as any hope of their salvation. They rejoice in Christ Jesus alone for all their salvation and have no confidence in the flesh.                                                                                    ~GE

Loved, Forgiven and Humbled

Just as the ability to love is the result of being loved, and the ability to forgive, is the result of being forgiven, so true humility is the result of being humbled. What is more humbling than for a sinner to be saved by the free and sovereign grace of God in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ?                                  ~GE

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28

What is the “GOOD” for which our God works all things together? The answer is simple. The only true good there is, or ever has been. Christ. Our loving, merciful God is bringing to pass all that His elect need to bring them to Christ, in this life and in the life to come. What could be more good than that?        ~GE


Rather than pretending to be followers of Christ by proudly flaunting a bracelet with the initials WWJD (What Would Jesus Do), let us wear a band around our hearts that reads WDJD (What Did Jesus Do). Looking in faith to Christ and His accomplished work of redemption, will give the true child of God all they need in this life, and in the life to come. Only then will we be free from the curse and the rigors of the law, knowing that He has fulfilled all its demands. Only then can we rest knowing that He went to the cross to put away our sin by the sacrifice of Himself once and for all.  Only then can we come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace in our time of need.         ~GE

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim 2:5

As the sin-bearing substitute hanging on a tree between heaven and earth, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only One that can touch God without being destroyed, and touch sinners without being defiled.                                                                                      ~GE

We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Contrary to all outward evidence, the thief on the cross believed that the Man dying beside him was his only hope for salvation. There was nothing in his physical sight to convince him that Jesus was Lord, or that He would be reigning over an eternal kingdom. Yet he prayed; “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom”. So, what did he have to cause such hope? The same thing you and I have. He had the word of God and he had the Spirit of God. That is all he had, and all he needed. That is all we have, and all we need. If we look for anything else, (feelings, experiences, change in life, etc.) we will be walking by sight rather than by faith. Saving faith comes by hearing, not by seeing. When the Spirit of God takes the Word of God and gives faith to the children of God in the Son of God… they hear those blessed words of hope; “thou shalt be with me in Paradise”.                             ~GE

Who Gets the Glory

“Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory...” Ps 115:1.

There are many messages in the world that promise salvation. Only one gives to God ALL the glory.  The gospel of God’s free and sovereign Grace in the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the only message that will cause a sinner to declare, “not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory...”. 

Truly, salvation is of the Lord and his people love it that way.  The Lord gets all the glory in ELECTION having chosen us for no other reason than his own good pleasure and will. He gets all the glory in REDEMPTION, having by himself purged our sins with his own precious blood.  He gets all the glory in REGENERATION, arresting us on the road to destruction and making us willing in the day of his power.  Our God gets all the glory in SANCTIFICATION, keeping us from falling away and causing us to be renewed in faith day by day. He gets all the glory in GLORIFICATION, by presenting us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.  Every other message contrived by man robs God of his glory and credits it to man. “Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name be (ALL) the glory...”.                                                                     ~GE

Why must we continually hear the gospel? Because our fallen Adamic nature is always looking for something other than the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our old man is relentlessly pointing us away from Christ. His pursuit is in minding the things of the flesh. He always walks by sight. The grace of faith is our only hope to silence this wretched man. That comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Tell me the old, old story of Jesus and His love.                                         ~GE

“Except THESE abide in the ship, YE cannot be saved.”

Acts 27:31

The Lord told Paul to warn the captain that if anyone left the ship, no one could be saved. If one person for whom Christ died is able to be lost, there is no hope for anyone to be saved. It is all 276 souls or none.                                                                           ~GE

Those who are destitute of the truth suppose that gain is godliness. I Tim. 6:5. They look at any improvement or increase in their physical circumstances as evidence of God’s approval and blessing. But godliness with contentment is great gain. I Tim. 6:6. Great is the mystery (hidden truth that must be revealed by God) of godliness. God was manifested in the flesh. (Tim. 3:16.) Oh to be content with Christ alone for all my salvation. That is the evidence of God’s blessing.                                                          ~GE

“Feed me with food convenient for me.” Prov. 30:8b

I like easy. Easy is comfortable. Easy is painless. Easy requires no effort. On the other hand, hard is difficult. Hard is demanding. Hard is stressful. Just because we prefer easy over hard, does not mean that easy is always good and hard is always bad. Often it is the opposite. The Lord knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Oh for the faith to ask Him to feed us with food convenient (necessary and appropriate for the hour). To trust Him and be content with His wise and good portion. Easy or hard, it is always good.                                                                                               ~GE

Is Man’s Will Free?

Yes and No. The will is free to choose whatever it wants. Innumerable times a day we consider many options and always choose the one for which “the will” has the greatest inclination. No one can ever choose anything against their will. Herein lies the problem. Man left to himself will not come to Christ because his unregenerate heart has no desire for Christ. He must be made willing by the new birth. If anyone wills to come to Christ, it is because God made them willing, and they… will in no wise be cast out.                                                                                     ~GE

Buyer’s Remorse

I saw where someone wrote a book on the “de-churching” of America. They attempted to explain why fewer people are going to church today. Of all the causes they gave, I believe they missed one big reason: Buyer’s Remorse. Any company that oversells and under delivers will eventually go out of business. The so-called “Church” today is promising what they cannot deliver. They promise health, wealth, and happiness. They present God as a part of mans self-help plan to a better life. Most people’s circumstances don’t really change much when they “get religion”. They soon become disenchanted with the hype and quit.

The Lord, and His faithful undershepherds, never make such empty promises. To the contrary, we tell men up front that coming to Christ will add to their troubles in this world. In addition to all the common trials of life, you will have the daily struggle with an old man you never knew you had before. Added to that, the world will hate you. The promise: Life Eternal, and that He has, is and will deliver.                                                                            ~GE


Men of a sound mind are generally logical. They will not embrace an obvious contradiction. They simply cannot make sense of it. Until it comes to spiritual matters. Then the most analytical person will swallow non-sense and think nothing of it. They will say God is eternal, omnipotent, sovereign, and immutable, yet he is dependent upon man for something in order to save. 

Is this not clear evidence that God has sent them a strong delusion because they received not the love of the truth? 2 Thes. 2:10-11.

If God makes a man deluded, he is deluded indeed. Oh Lord, do not leave us to ourselves. Put us in our right mind and cause us to love Christ.                                                                                      ~GE

Faith and Repentance

We are by nature so works oriented that if not careful we’ll turn faith and repentance into a work. True faith is by its very nature the absence of all works. It is finding in oneself no good thing. It is to be shut up to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One who is good, for all our acceptance before God. We must never view faith as our contribution to salvation.

Like faith, repentance is also a sovereign work of grace in the heart. The Holy Spirit changes our minds about God, about ourselves, and about how God saves sinners. Yes, it involves sorrow for sin. But let us never think we can sorrow sufficiently. God-given repentance is not wallowing in the mire of shame and sorrow for sin. That can very quickly become a work. It is agreeing with God that I am, left to myself, nothing but sin.  It is looking, not to my repentance, but to my Redeemer for all the hope of my salvation.                                                                                 ~GE

It's All Good

I heard a man say after experiencing a disappointment; “It’s all good, there is a purpose in it.”  We believe that our God works all things together for good to His elect. We also believe that our God is a God of purpose. Yes, for the believer it truly is all good and there is a purpose, but what is the “good” and the “purpose” we are looking to find? I fear that for most, it is nothing more than a silver lining on a dark cloud. They speak peace to their own hearts with the power of positive thinking. They are looking to soften their disappointments with the hope of a better outcome.  For the believer, we look in our trials for the hand and the face of the One who sent them.  We know that He alone is the Good in all our troubles and that His purpose in all things is to glorify Himself in the hearts of His people.                                                          ~GE

Justice or Mercy

All men approach God in one of two ways. One pleads His mercy. The other demands justice. The poor and needy, the weak and wounded, the fallen and fearful, will come pleading for mercy. Their hands will be open and empty. The self-righteous, the proud, the strong, will demand justice based on something they bring in their hand. Those pleading mercy will know that the only thing that satisfies the justice of God is the sacrifice Christ made on Calvary’s cross. They will pray with David; “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according to the multitude of thy tender mercies…” Those demanding justice will try to obligate God with something they have done. Their voices will be heard to say; but Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in thy name? Justice demands reward based on works. Mercy looks in faith to Christ for grace. “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” Rom. 4:4-5.                           ~GE

Blessings and Curses

To God’s elect, everything is a blessing. Everything is purposed by their Heavenly Father for their good and for His glory. Through faith, they can be thankful in all things, knowing that “all things” are the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning them. To the reprobate, nothing is a blessing. All the privileges, benefits, and goodness of God they enjoy in this world will only add to the weight of judgment they will suffer for not believing on the One who provided them.                                                                      ~GE

Satisfied, Yet Not

The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. Ecc. 1:8b.

This is certainly true with the natural eye and ear. Even when impressed with what it sees and hears, it soon looks for something more. How far we will travel just to see and hear something new. Truly the flesh cannot be satisfied. But this is also true of the spiritual eye and ear. Oh, we are satisfied to have Christ Jesus as all our righteousness and justification before God. We dare not look anywhere else, and we dare not listen to anyone else. However, we are always looking and listening for more of Christ. We have not yet apprehended that which has apprehended us. We are always pressing toward the mark for the Prize. Phil. 3:13-14. We are always peering to see through that dark glass more clearly. I Cor. 13:12. We can never be satisfied with yesterday’s Manna. We long for that day when we shall behold His face, and like David, shall only be fully satisfied when we awake with His likeness. Ps.17:5 The Lord keeps the hearts of His people full and hungry at the same time.                                                          ~GE

Everlasting Righteousness

“Thy Righteousness is an Everlasting Righteousness…”

Ps. 119:142a.

The Righteousness of God is everlasting because God is everlasting. It is immutable because He is immutable. It is Holy because He is Holy. Christ Jesus the Lord is the Righteousness of God. Lest we are found in Him, we have no Righteousness. Our heavenly Father has made Him to be all our wisdom, Righteousness, sanctification and redemption. All OUR Righteousnesses are as filthy rags. The reason men go about trying to establish their own Righteousness is because they are ignorant of the Righteousness of God. We do not frustrate the grace of God, for if Righteousness come by the law then Christ died in vain. Even as Christ was raised from the dead and ascended to His rightful place in glory, we wait for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness. There is laid up for us a crown of Righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge shall give us in that day. And so, Everlasting Righteousness began in eternity past and shall continue in eternity future.                                              ~GE

To Be Saved

The Philippian jailer asked the apostles; “Sirs, what must I do to Be saved?” Acts 16:30. We hear men speak of “getting” saved or having “got” saved. What is the difference? When you “get” something, it is nothing more than a thing to be held as a possession. You can admire it, or you can put it in your pocket until you need it. To BE something is a completely different thing. The very essence of your being is changed. Nothing remains the same. You find yourself in Christ and He in you. You are a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor. 5:17. You are not your own. You’ve been bought with a price. I Cor. 6:19-20. You are able to say with Solomon; “my Beloved is mine, and I am His.” Song 2:16. Is this not the reason why men are willing to “get” saved, but will not “Be” saved? We will not have this man to reign over us. Lk 19:14.      ~GE

Why Have a Bible Conference?

Our annual Bible conference in many ways is the highlight of our year for at least three reasons.

1 We are able to have a concentrated time of worship and gospel preaching over a three-day period that glorifies our God by exalting the Lord Jesus Christ to the saving of our souls.   

2 It provides us the edifying experience of fellowship with each other and many of our brethren from sister churches. 

3 It gives us an opportunity to extend a “special invitation” to lost friends and family in hopes that the Lord will do for them what he did for the Samaritans.  “Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ the Savior of the world.” Jn 4:40                  ~GE