Dogs are Beggars

Dogs are beggars by nature. They are not embarrassed to beg. You can’t offend a dog for begging. The only thing that stops a dog from begging is the threat of punishment. Knowing that there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, God’s dogs are never ashamed of, nor deterred from begging. They happily wait for the next crumb that falls from the Master’s table. Glory to their Master. He doesn’t wait for them to beg long. The truth is, He is more willing to feed them than they are to beg. “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Jn. 6:37. The Spirit and the Bride say, COME. Rev. 22:17.                     ~GE

“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Mal. 3:6

It has been said, the only thing constant is change. Everything around us is in a constant state of change. More unsettling is that everything about us is ever changing. Like Ruben, Jacob’s first born, do we not find ourselves, “unstable as water”? Always drawn to the path of least resistance, to which we lament with Rebekah, ‘why am I thus’? When it comes to our ever-changing circumstances, are we not tempted with Jacob to think “all these things are against me”? Oh, what hope, what peace, what comfort it is to have a God who never changes. Truly, He is the Rock of Ages cleft for me; let me hide myself in Thee. Our God reigns over the armies of heaven and all the inhabitants of the earth. When the changes of life cause uncertainty in our hearts, let us flee to our God who changes not; and we shall never be consumed.    ~GE

Fear Not

How many times the Lord speaks these words of comfort to His children. Only those who are afraid need to hear the words, “Fear Not”. For those who have no fear of God, the words “Fear Not” are idle words. But for sinners, who find themselves before a Holy God, “Fear Not”, when spoken by God to the heart in love, are words of great comfort. Perfect love casteth out fear. I Jn 4:18. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation (to appease wrath by satisfying justice) for our sins. I Jn. 4:10. When through faith in Christ, we hear the words “Fear Not”, our guilty fears are turned into a holy, loving, reverential fear. That fear is the beginning of wisdom.  ~GE